Public Proclamations


And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

The following Proclamation was broadcast in the Public Notices section of the Wanganui Chronicle on 25th July 2015.  There were no replies to the broadcast, this Proclamation is now Law.

The above Public Notice appeared in the Wanganui Chronicle on 25th July 2015. 

Since that time, James has posted Interpretations of James, 2018 A.D.  For the sake of consistency of word usage and to avoid any ambiguity, the following minor amendment is made.


Take note all affected and interested persons, artificial and natural, that I, James, Son of James, Son of Samuel, Son of James Son of James of the location County Antrim, Ireland am not an infant and being of sound mind and good character, hereby solemnly and sincerely swear as truth, the following;

1. I am Man [1] of flesh, blood and bone, created with a free will by God, my creator and born free into His inheritance.

2. I have revoked my consent to be governed and have served such notice on the Crown Corporation of New Zealand Inc. on 17th January 2014.

3. It is my wish and desire, to live in peace and harmony with my neighbour.

4. A Claim Of Right has been served on the Crown Corporation of New Zealand Inc. on 17th January 2014 and perfected by a Default Judgement served on the Crown Corporation Inc. on 28th January 2014 and by my actions.

5. I abide by the Law of the Creator and His is the only Law to which I willingly submit as having jurisdiction over me.

6. I deny consent to Administrative Courts.

Any affected person who does not respond to this Public Notice in writing to James, C/-  within 10 [Ten] days cannot subsequently claim protection of Law or Colour of Right.

By the mark of;




[1]  “Natural Person” deleted and ” Man” inserted.